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This word is submitted by Barbara E Blanco (barbarablanco@juno.com)

Get off the threshold!

In my reading this morning I read passage in John 19 and verses 10-18 leaped out at me. From that passage this word came. Please give ear and much input as I lay it before you.

This Stone I have ordained to be placed where men will choose or reject what is My plan for them.

My precious foundation stone for your life was placed upon a Mosaic Pavement, a Stone Platform by Pilate's order. Today that platform is world viewable for the hour of crucial decision is waiting.

My Stone's path was ordered long ago to be your firm foundation. I ordered your path to do My will and to be My servant who is no longer be set aside by sin.

Yes, men still walk away, they still reject My cornerstone. Some having seen God's promises fulfilled choose other gods rather than choose Jesus.
O' man in your faith alone, upon your feeble foundations you can not build so firm a place as is upon My Rock.

Your weakened foundation devoid of Jesus can not withstand the torrents hell unleashes against you by evil design. "Manmade" cornerstones cut out by prideful minds will in no way prevail when hell's schemes come to kill, steal and destroy.

My stone will be your only true stone though rejected in the past yet today if one will hear the voice of the Father calling...choose this stone, choose God's Son.

The more Pilate heard and understood of My Son the more he became alarmed and awe stricken, very afraid of the task he would be called upon to perform. Oh that men would truly love the Stone the Master builder has given. Oh that the world would run to Him, cleave to, believe in His firm foundation.

Oh, if men only knew that there is no power given them unless Father first agrees give it to confirm His Omniscient plan and purpose.

Men will cry "Release me from choosing...release me from this place of decision!" Man must choose one day to either be free or to be manipulated by the pressures and shouts of a world of rejecters.

The day of preparation is upon mankind! Oh man of flesh the hour of choosing a life of the spirit that this Stone represents has been ever before you! Set not YOUR decision aside for the time is nearing when the Son of man shall appear and with Him His reward.

Men can no longer cast lots for the garment of My Stone. Men can no longer buy a piece of this stone. What he is for us for you is freely given to all who choose Him they choose well.