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Date: Nov 08, 2001
This word is submitted by Rachael Wallin (rwallin@paulbunyan.net)


		Resurrection Life

I am the resurrection and the life. Behold, I make all things new. As I 
breathe on a situation I cause life to come forth. My breath is the 
Spirit and as I breathe on a situation a stirring takes place...a coming 
together of divine plans and purposes. I am creating constantly....My 
life is pulsating throughout the planet. 

Look around at the beauty that surrounds you on the earth. Do you not see 
the beauty? I am constantly creating new things...the world cannot even 
contain the knowledge of all I can do. There is not a day that passes that 
my creative power is not working. 

You have my power residing within you. You also are able to speak my words 
forth as I reveal them to you about a situation to bring about change, to 
bring new life, to create, to resurrect!! Greater things than you have 
thought possible can happen through obedience to my plans and by speaking 
the very words of God.

I impart truth. I impart wisdom. I impart knowledge. I impart words of life. 
It is by MY Spirit residing in you that I speak through you into a situation 
to change that situation and bring forth life. My words contain life giving 
power and can resurrect even that which is considered to be dead!!!  My 
words contain the power to do all I desire to do on the earth as  is done 
in the heaven.

Do you desire my will to come to pass? Speak the words you hear from heaven. 
Speak forth MY WORDS of life to the people. YIELD to MY Spirit that resides 
in you and allow me to speak Spirit words that will change lives and 
resurrect that which is dying or appears to be dead. Can these bones live??? 
They  need my Spirit to breathe on them.  INDEED, THESE BONES CAN LIVE!!!!!!
THUS SAITH THE LORD   Speak to the bones MY WORDS that they may live!!!