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Date: November 2, 2009

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                         Am I Your Lord?                    

Child of Mine, if you give Me lordship in your life, that means that
you must obey Me when I tell you to do (or not do) certain things. 
It means that you give up your right to debate My directions to you.
It means you cannot choose which commands you will honor and which 
ones you will ignore, because I expect you to place My will above 
your own will. You must embrace My priorities above your own priorities. 
You must watch Me and see what I am doing, and then to do it with Me.

I ask for (and I expect) this type of unconditional obedience from
each of My own. 

You are My dear child, but our relationship cannot be an equal one
because we are not equals. I care for you greatly, and I will listen 
to you when you share your heart and your desires with Me. But the 
final decision is Mine and you do not get an equal say in it. That
is because I am the Lord God almighty and I know all things. I am the 
creator, and you are the creation. I have all authority and all power, 
and all things are under My feet and subject to My authority. That 
includes you, dear one, and that is why I expect you to obey Me 
whatever I command of you. But I expect that obedience to come 
willingly from a heart that is filled with love for Me; I expect it 
to come from a sincere desire to please Me and not to come grudgingly.

I have offered you a friendship through the blood of My Son; it will
be a deep and intimate personal relationship. But it will not be an 
equal one. for I am senior to you, and My ways are higher than your 
own. I require total surrender from you in all areas of your life.

And yet, dear one, this unequal relationship is a very good one for
you; for when I am truly your Lord, you will see My hand on your life
very strongly for your good. Yes, you will receive many good things
from My hand and I have more good gifts for you that you can ask or
imagine. I delight to do special things for My own, for those who 
have truly made Me their Lord, for those who are committed to doing 
My will. You will be amazed at how well I will take care of you and
meet your needs. 

When I am truly Lord in your life, then I take all responsibility 
for you and I use My unlimited resources on your behalf. And I bring 
My glory and My hope and My peace and My joy into every area of your 
life. You will see Me lift you to a place of victory and authority. 
You will see greater measures of My anointing and of My power flow 
through you. 

I will draw you closer to Me; I will reveal more of Myself to you and 
teach you to walk in that place of deep intimacy with Me. I will be 
your companion and your protector, your provider and your source of 
joy. You will find that life under My Lordship is much better than 
anything you could accomplish left to your own devices.

Dear one, if you want this type of relationship with Me, then you
must decide to truly make Me your Lord and Master, and you must commit 
to obey Me no matter what I ask of you. I must be Lord of all if I am 
to be Lord at all. But when you truly make Me your Lord out of a heart 
of your great love for Me, you will find that it is the best decision 
you could ever make. So I ask you, dear one, knowing all that this
entails, do you want to make Me your Lord?