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Date: Nov 01, 2001

This word is submitted by John Bullard (john.r.bullard@lmco.com)


My Chosen Ones

The time has come to separate my chosen ones,
People I can train to be my daughters and sons.
They'll have a special anointing to speak for me,
To go out into the world and set the captives free.

The Holy Spirit will teach them how be a door,
And guide them to be holy, and so much more.
They will be taught how to speak the truth out,
And come against the enemy with a Holy shout.

Wash your robes and turn towards God's Son,
Be a vessel of love that can be depended upon.
Have a teachable spirit; be open to God above,
He will use you to give out His precious love.

Focus on your assignment and don't look around,
Be willing used, know when to stand your ground.
God needs you now to be a special chosen one,
As we near the appearing of God's only Son.
