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This word is submitted by Tammie Gelis (needgrace2@hotmail.com)



I keep hearing from the Lord very loudly one word....REACH.....Reach up and touch that which seems unreachable. Reach up out of those dark places you find yourself in. Grab for the light, grab for the hope you need this day. Reach for me. Use all your strength and reach out for me. I will not turn you away. I will not disappoint you. Reach and touch my face. Reach up out of your fears and depression. Reach for something beyond you, reach for me. I AM that I AM. I can do all things. Reach for me...Reach for my hand. I will never leave you or forsake you.

I will bring you through the wind and the fire. Even if it means in the darkest night that you are holding your hand out aimlessly in the dark, take that step and reach toward me. I will take your hand. I will keep you. I will not let you slip. I will not let temptations come beyond what I can give you strength for, if you but hold onto my hand and do not let go. Reach high....grab a hold of me with all you have. You will not be disappointed. Put your hope in me.