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This word is submitted by Carylann Hartley (Chart4God@aol.com)


Trust the Lord to Be Who He Says He Is

And the Lord would say that we are not to fear but to trust in Him and know that He is in control. What the world sees is not what is, any more than what we feel is the truth. God is teaching us a valuable lesson if we only hear and follow His direction.

The enemy of our souls would have us panic and walk in fear but our God would say, "Peace, Be Still". We serve an awesome God but act like he is no more than the false gods that other religions have.

We do not walk like we BELIEVE that He really is who He says He is and that He can do what He has promised He would do. Now is a time to pray and fast for those that do not know the power of the Almighty God so that He can deliver them from the snares of the wicked one. Be not concerned about what you may eat or drink but rather about who will deliver the wretched from their hellholes.

Look not to yourself but rather look to the Lord your God for He is the only answer and He alone can save and deliver those from the pit. Lean not on your own understanding but look to the Lord in all that you do or say or think. He is "the same yesterday, today and forever" and will NOT fail you.

Be not ashamed or condemned for the lack of faith and trust you have had in the past but rather use this for a stepping stone so that you can go forward to VICTORY. We serve a Living God and we will have the strength to fight the battles that He puts us in. Do not try to fight a battle on your own or in your own strength for you will surely lose. Wait on the Lord and fight it in His timing and in His way, for His ways are always true and righteous. His way is the only way that we are assured of Victory.

Who would go into a battle not knowing if can win or not, when they could go in with total assurance of Victory by just waiting on the Lord. "Victory is MINE" says the Lord of Hosts. He commands all the angels in the heavens and all that has been created or will ever be is in subjection to Him.

There is no God like our God. Praise Him! Praise Him in all that you do and say! Show the world that we not only have heard about His greatness but also believe that "He is the same yesterday, today and forever." He will not fail you nor will He forsake you when you "rest in Him and lean not on your own understanding."

Do not look around you at what is happening but look to the Lord who is in control of what is happening. Have your eyes set on things above not on this world. Praise Him! Praise Him! He is worthy of our praise for we serve a Holy God. Praise Him! Praise Him and Worship Him!