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Date: Oct 23, 2008

This word is submitted by Joan Ray [joanray268@bellsouth.net]


                Heart Peace

Peace I leave with you.
    Not the peace that the world knows,
but rather a heart peace,
    that comes from knowing who you are,
        as well as Whose you are.
When you know who I am,
    when you trust who I am,
        then you are freed to come to Me.
When you come to Me in totally trusting freedom,
    you will be enabled to lay all that hinders you from,
        being in a state of peace at My feet--
            Every worry, 
                Every care, 
                    Every concern,
                        Every shortfall.
Beloved, all sin and fall short.
    When you bring to Me--
        your sins,
            your cares, 
                your worries, 
                    everything and, 
                        every person that concerns you--
then I will take all of that upon Myself.
And you will have heart peace.

Heart peace comes when you entrust and rest your heart 
and all that it contains on Me,
    knowing, beloved, that because you are Mine,
        you shall be received.
             And when you are received--
                and know it in your deepest heart-
you will find peace for your heart--the peace that passes understanding:
heart peace.