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Date: Oct 20, 2005

This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire (CMondesire@aol.com)



Gently, gently I will mold you so that you will not feel the force of My
hands.  I am fashioning you into a beautiful vessel.  I will put more of
My Spirit in you.  Some times you will be on display, sometimes I will
pour you out and then I will refill you.  You are Mine.

I am molding you ever so softly, I am smoothing out all of the lumps.
My beauty will be revealed through you.  Joy will bubble up and run over
the sides of your vessel and others will benefit from your joy.  Peace
will reside  in your vessel.  Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes
in the morning.  You are in the Potter's hands, so don't worry and don't 
be afraid.
