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This word is submitted by Jim Donovan (JDono78832@aol.com)

My Fire

The Lord has been really expressing to our church with picture of fires at the altar, fires on the carpet, and fires on the roof top. One vision a man had was of a switchman at the railroad switching the track. God is igniting His church with His power it is time to get on tract and get about the fathers business. I trust the Lord will speak to you through this word.


My fire is upon My church,
I am purging and cleansing,
I am sending forth My presence,
I am turning up the heat,
I am sending My anointing,
Lay down the things of this world,
Seek Me, seek My face,
I am raising up a army to go forth,
In My anointing, My power, My authority,
Many shall be healed, many delivered, and many saved.
My fire is falling on My church,
I am burning away the traditions of men,
Give up your agendas, your ideas,
Harken to My voice, walk in My anointing,
My fire is blowing and consuming things of men,
Receive the fire of God go forth with My anointing,
I am delivering and healing My people.
I am raising up people to go forth with My anointing,
My boldness and authority and yielding to My spirit,
My spirit is blowing , My fire is coming forth,
This is the day of the Lord, follow My directions,
Flow in My anointing, lay down traditions.
I am breaking down walls and traditions,
And building a firm foundation,
Jesus the healer, Jesus the deliverer,
Is alive and well on planet earth.
Working through My vessels.
I am setting the captives free this day.

In Him Jim Donovan
StoneyCreek Christian Fellowship
StoneyCreek Ontario.