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Date: Oct 18, 2004

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


                           Run To Me!
The enemy has been trying to wear down many of My children with false 
expectations that they cannot possibly meet.  And when you do not meet 
these expectations, the enemy moves in to torment you with accusations 
and condemnation.  He uses this strategy over and over again on My 
people, and it grieves My heart.

First, the enemy of your soul tries to make you commit to do something 
that I have not asked of you.  Then he puts expectations on you that are 
impossible to fulfill, then he condemns you for not fulfilling it.  He 
will even try to tell you that I am disappointed in you or mad that you 
did not live up to those false expectations -- even though I never asked 
that of you.  The enemy does this because he wants to draw you away from 
Me.  He wants you to feel afraid to approach Me because you believe that 
I am disappointed with you, because you feel that you are a failure in 
My eyes.

Guess what!

I want you to run to Me no matter what state you are in.  Run to Me,
enter into My embrace, and allow My truth to settle over you.  I will 
not push you away for being "dirty."  If you are dirty, then I will wash 
and cleanse anything that needs to be cleaned up.  I will not push you 
away for "not trying hard enough" or for failing or for "missing it."

What I will do when you run to Me is to draw you close, to pour out My 
love, to cleanse and strengthen.  I will also empower you to hear and do 
My will in the future, so that the enemy can't keep tormenting you in
this way.  

I am not the God of condemnation, I is the God of restoration.  Trust Me!
Receive My love and restoration right now.  Run to Me no matter how dirty 
you may feel, and let Me embrace you.  Run back to Me no matter how much 
you feel that you have failed Me.  Run back to Me and receive My embrace.  
My arms are open wide to receive you right now.

You don't have to clean up your act before you come to Me.  Just come to 
Me and let Me clean you up.  I will accept you as you come, I will heal 
and restore.  I will strengthen and purify, I will empower you to walk 
in My ways and to do My will. I will thrust you into My victory.  No 
matter what your current condition is, I will not push you away.  So run 
to Me right now!