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This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)



One of the strategies that the enemy is unleashing against My people is the strategy of busyness. It is the enemy's desire to overload and overwhelm My people so that they are unable to draw into intimacy with Me, and so that they are unable to do with Me what I am doing. There is another strategy the enemy is unleashing.. the strategy of wearing out my people with tiredness/exhaustion so that when the do draw near to Me, they are too tired to spend quality time with Me.

Child, you must guard against busyness taking My place in your life. There is indeed work and tasks that you must perform each day, that is a part of living in this world. But you must not allow your tasks to rule you and to take away My place in your life. Instead, come to Me and invite Me to orchestrate your day. Allow Me to show you what the priorities are for each day, and what order to do things in. Look to Me to become involved with you in your daily tasks. Ask Me to bring My presence and My glory in to them. Have you not read how I was with Joseph and prospered all that he did? Invite Me into your daily activity, seek to do each task as unto Me. And watch what I will do with you and through you. Do not allow busyness to keep you from Me. Instead invite My lordship into your busyness and watch how I will bring My order into it. Child, I desire to teach you to work smarter and with greater efficiency. I desire to put My anointing on all that you do. And as you do all things "as unto Me", I desire to make you capable to do them well. I desire to help you and to empower you in your everyday tasks every bit as much as I desire to empower you for the great tasks of advancing My kingdom.

Child, I want the first fruit of your time. Do not set aside for Me only "leftover" time at the end of the day when you are tired and exhausted. Give me quality time when you are able to participate fully with Me. Make Me your priority and I will begin to lead and guide you more clearly and in more detail. Make Me your priority and invite Me to orchestrate your day. For it is My heart and My desire to give you victory over the enemy's strategy of busyness. And it is My heart and My desire to refresh you and to draw you into new depths of intimacy with Me. My plans for you are good, child of Mine. Do not allow busyness to push you away from them.