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Date: October 16, 2003

This word is submitted by Marion Lundy (GGMLUNDY8@aol.com)


                     My People, My People

Oh, My people! My people!  How I long to gather you under My protective 
wings like a hen gathers her chicks, but some of you still will not. You 
run in and out from under My covering, chasing your own wills and desires, 
breaking the hedge about you and your enemy takes advantage of this. He 
smites you and you run back to Me for deliverance. I love you and I always 
rescue you when you repent, but this pattern has got to change. 

I am your Bridegroom. I want a fully submitted and committed bride. I want 
a faithful bride. I have to have a bride who loves Me back and always 
tries to please Me. You are not to be estranged nor separated from Me, 
but totally given up to Me. You know that the goal is for you to walk in 
oneness with Me. The goal is for you to walk in My Spirit. Why go darting 
about, here and there, into this, into that and missing My mark? The enemy 
loves it when you do this so that he can get at you. 

Many calamities and much tribulation will be in this world, but My canopy 
over you is an eternal wall of security. Because of some things that have 
happened already you ran to Me, but many of you have slacked up in your 
pursuit of Me after things got a little better and started chasing after 
other gods. Run to Me! Run to Me! How I long to gather you, to embrace 
and shield you from all the catastrophes of the world. 

Pray! Pray! Cry out in travail unto Me. Intercede for people of the nations. 
Let your hearts bleed in prayer before Me now. Talk to Me. Communicate with 
Me. I will give My directions and instructions for your way. I will make your 