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Date: Oct 13, 2006

This word is submitted by Judy Bauman [rivermistlighthouse1@comcast.net]


                Incline Your Ear To Me

Do not be overly concerned about the pruning which has come and is to come.
It is from Me and will accomplish what I have set out to do in your midst.

Incline your ear to Me.  I am pouring forth a new wine and it will take a
season to mature.  The fruit that is to come from this pruning will be not
only sweet to your taste but filling, it will also produce an outstanding

Fear not!  I say again!  Fear not, for I Am with you.  You plant, some
water. But I will, I will, I will bring forth the growth.

Seek My face.  Seek Me early, seek Me late, seek Me in the midst of trial,
seek me in the quiet hours of the night.  Seek Me!  I will be found by you
and I will tell you those things that your heart longs to hear.