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Date: Oct 10, 2005

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                         I Am Growing Your Faith

Child of Mine,  I am taking you through a series of situations to cause
your faith to grow.  These situations are designed to push you past your 
comfort zone and force you to trust Me in an area without pushing you 
beyond your ability to believe. Then, as you step out where I push you, you 
will see Me come through for you. As you experience My faithfulness in that 
situation, and it will cause your faith to grow.  Then I will push you a 
bit further.  I am going to take you through experience after experience 
that are designed to grow and mature your faith.  
If you watch and see what I am doing in your life, you will notice a pattern
as I put you into the same type of faith-producing sitaution over and over
again.  I am explaining it to you clearly so that you don't become confused
and think you are under the attack of the enemy.  Understand that this is
My hand upon you to cause your faith to grow and not an attack of the
enemy. So instead of looking to war in the spirit, cooperate with Me in 
the area of trusting Me and stepping out in faith.  

Child, the faith-producing situations that I put you in will bring some 
level of discomfort to you because I am pushing you beyond what you perceive 
your limits to be.  I know your true limits better than you do.  You can 
trust that I will not push you too far, but I promise you that you will 
feel pushed and challenged as I cause your faith to expand and cause you 
to grow in Me.

It is My desire that you become strong and mighty, full of faith and able 
to do all things that I place in your hand to do. Child I will demand the 
impossible of you, but then I will enable you with My supernatural power.
Your faith will activate My power in your situation and you will see the
impossible take place in accord with My will.

There will be times when My power looks like a peace that passes all 
understanding.  That will happen when you need to trust Me to provide or to 
deliver you -- when there is nothing you can do in the natural to resolve 
the situation.  Watch and see how I will come through for you as you trust 
Me and obey Me in whatever I show you to do. There will be times when I 
will command you to do that which is not possible for you in your own 
ability.  There will be times when I will ask you to heal the sick or to 
multiply food or even to still a storm or turn a fire from its path of 
destruction.  And the elements will obey your comamnd; they will have no
choice, for you will be speaking in My authority, and that authority will
be activated by the faith that I am building in you.

Child, the stakes are higher than you realize, and it is time to begin to
expect Me to work miraculously through you.  It is time for you to realize
that My Son really meant what He said that you would do the same works, the
same signs and wonders that He did when He walked this earth. For the time
is almost here when I am going to once again build a name for Myself among 
the nations as the God of the supernatural. And I am going to do it through
My people -- through you. That is why I am working in your life now to 
begin building your faith, so that you will be ready to do it with Me.
Child, I am preparing you for great things. So look forward expectantly
to what I will be doing in you and through you, for child, I am causing
your faith to grow so that you can work with Me to fulfill My purposes
in this earth.