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Date: Oct 9, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                      Wait On Me

Child of Mine, I want you to spend more time with Me. You seem to have
forgotten what it means to wait upon your Lord.  You live in an age
of instant gratification, where things come to you quickly and easily,
and you seem to have forgotten what it is to wait.  You have come to
equate any delay at all as being equivalent to a "No," and it is weakening
your faith.

Come sit at My feet and learn of Me. Come and wait in My courtyard, that
you might be called into a deeper experience of My presence.  I desire to
draw you closer, I desire to bring you deeper in your walk with Me. Child
of Mine, I desire to draw you into new depths of intimacy.  But we must
spend time together in order for you to be able to come there with Me.

Have you forgotten how My presence used to saturate your senses as
you waited before Me?  Have you forgotten how I used to show you things
from My word as you prayerfully pondered it? Have you forgotten My how
joy used to fill your heart as you meditated on Me?  I still want all of
those good things for you, dear child, and I have not withdrawn any of
them from you.  The reason you lack these things is because you are not
willing to come before Me and wait upon Me like you used to do.

Have I not said in My word that if you wait before Me, I will strengthen
you and cause you to mount up on wings as an eagle? Have I not promised
you the endurance to run and not be weary and to walk and not faint?
Where do you think that endurance comes from?  It comes from resting in
My presence, it comes from spending time with Me.

Child of Mine, I want you to pursue Me, and I promise that if you do,
you shall surely find Me.  But you cannot do than in your spare few
minutes of each day.  I don't want your leftover time, I want to be a
priority in your life.  You spend your time on the things that you
value.  So show Me that you value Me by giving Me a priority piece of
your time. Seek after Me, pursue Me. Spent time in My word, spend time
in worship, spend time in prayer.

Spend time with Me and learn of My priorities. Allow Me to speak to you
and to reveal Myself to you.  Come to know Me better, that I might be
able to call you friend,  for I desire friendship with you. It is out
of that place of intimacy that your prayers will be answered; it is out
of the depth of relationship that I will give you the desires of your
heart, that your joy might be full.  Child I want good things for you and
I want to saturate your senses with My nearness. I want to fill you with
My anointing as you linger in My presence.  I want to strengthen you and
to fully equip you for all the things that lay before you.  That is why
it is so important for you to make Me a priority and to spend time with

Come into My presence dear one, and linger before Me. Allow Me to reveal
more of Myself to you. Allow Me to fill you with Myself.  Learn to wait
on Me, then watch and see what amazing things I will do in your life.