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Date: Oct 6, 2005

This word is submitted by Musa Opiyo (mopiyo@btinternet.com)


                        A Call To Walk By Faith

Heb 11: 1 Now faith is the substance of things for, the evidence of things
not seen.

I am looking for faith in the hearts of My Beloved in this season -- faith
in My Written Word, faith that the word which I have spoken to you shall 
indeed come to pass. This is how it works in My kingdom. I speak to things 
that were not as though they were, and it is done. I have spoken many 
promises to you of the things to come this year. Some of them have been 
feasible, yet some have seemed outright outrageous. I hear the hearts and 
mouths of My beloved shouting "Yes and amen!" to those things they perceive 
with their natural eyes as possible.  Yet I hear the sighings of those 
things that seem like mountains -- those things that to you would say 
"wouldn't happen in a million years."

I am not going to do in a million years what I am prepared to do in the
"now" for those who would trust Me. I have opened great avenues of faith for
My people to walk in and take the promises made to them, yet I see very few
actually stepping out of the boat. I made My promise of provision, of power,
of strengthening by My Spirit to all My children. If these promises were
meant for only a chosen few, then I would have only made that accessible to
them. Yet when I died and gave My life for all, whatever I said you would do
and accomplish shall be done because you have accepted Me into your heart
and you are My blood-washed covenant child.

Beloved, let it be known to you that if you have read My promises in the
bible for you, then it was meant for you to claim it by faith and lay hold
of that made available for you. I said greater works shall you do than what
I did upon this earth. This is the year of the greater works. Not for the
purpose of entertainment or for the exaltation of man or ministry, but so
that the harvest would be gathered and brought into My storehouse. This is
the year indeed to speak life into those things that were dead and call them
to life. This is indeed the time to lay hands on the sick, even to merely
declare healing upon those with infirmities and see them recover.

I have indeed in this day sent sent forunners with My anointing to show
and equip My Body how to walk in the power and the anointing of the Spirit.
It is not by any strength of their own, but through faith in Me and in the
fact that I will meet them with signs and wonders following.

Now, My beloved church, it is time to pick up the mantle of faith and walk
through your 'River Jordans' and 'Red Seas.' This is indeed the time to
march around your 'Jericho walls' and trumpet forth My word and see them
crumble. This is indeed the time to let those stones fly and knock your
Goliaths to their death. All this accomplished by faith.

My people, the enemy has launched the offensive against you, yet I have
already given him into your hands to claim the victory. With the shield of
faith deflect the arrows that are released. Because I sit on the throne, 
says the Lord, I have released an army of faith warriors who will march 
across the lands of the earth under My direction waving high the banner, 
"If my God is for me, then who shall be against me?"
My people, yes it is a time of great war in the heavenlies, but it is also 
a time of great grace and favor -- where I shall release great faith upon My 
people to take back the land that was stolen, to take back the lost family, 
to take back the businesses that were stolen and reclaim them.  My people, 
it is not a time to remain passive, but to rise up in faith, yield to Me and 
say, "Lord here I am. Send me and use me for your Glory and Yours alone." 
I tell you that faith will open the door to the miraculous, to the healings, 
to the victories.  I am calling each and every one of My Beloved chosen to 
get into their positions and seek Me concerning what I would have them do.
I speak forth now and declare to you to speak forth those things that were 
not as though they were. Even that mustard-seed faith shall move the 
mountains and cause the enemy to be displaced, for I have a people who will
move out in great faith.