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This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire (CMondesire@aol.com)


I have given you the victory

For I have not called you to a place of doubting, but to a place of healing, a place of new beginning.

I am changing the way you think, you will not think like the world for you have the mind of Christ. You are being changed molded into My image. This anointing is not the anointing I gave your grand parents, it is the anointing I am giving you.

My children be encouraged this is the day of new beginnings, of fresh starts, new wine, and new oil. Let go of the past, things are about to change. Canaan is not like the wilderness-get rid of that wilderness mentality. Breakthrough is here. I am leading you into new territories, conquer them I have given you the victory, it's in Me. Take hold My hand and walk with Me. Showers of blessing are coming your way. I am challenging you to leave the past behind. Set your face like flint toward Me. I am your God focus on Me.

I am He who establishes you. I gave you a sword use it. I gave you armor use it.

I have taken you to a place of rest, now it's time to begin the journey. Conquering in My name. Ignore critics and heretics, be not equally yoked. For I have set you apart for service. O My children be strong in the Lord and in the power of My might.

You are building My temple, but you love is waxing cold. Ignite the flame of your love. The fires that I have sent have destroyed the vessels of wood, but you are silver and gold, you can stand the heat, it's part of the process. I know who hinders because only I know the heart. I am separating the wheat from the tares. Only I can do this without destroying the wheat, you see the roots of the wheat and the tares are entwined they have been growing together.

Trust Me My children, prepare for the next battle. Prepare to celebrate the victory. Prepare to receive the spoils. The lost souls who will be saved, the souls who need deliverance, the souls who need encouragement, the souls who need food, clothing, and shelter.

O My people prepare, there is much work to do. No time for self pity, no time for gossip, no time for complaining. Time belongs to Me, and know one knows the hour of My return. Prepare to possess the land. Great and Mighty exploits you will do in My name.