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Date: Jan 28, 2003

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                       Words Of Life

Child of Mine, My words over you are words of life and words of hope.  
Much has been coming at you, presented in My name, that is not of Me.  
Many with critical spirits are releasing words of condemnation against 
various members of My body, against Christians in various cities and 
in various nations.  Many are speaking curses against My people and
trying to burden them with false expectations of holiness.  They define
"holiness" from the expectations of man instead of from the heart of God,
and they lay unreasonable burdens upon My people.  And then they condemn
My people for not being able to perform up to the standard of these
false expectations. 

This is not of Me.  I am not speaking to you in those ways.  If you are 
truly one of My own, then the power of condemnation has been broken over 
you.  Sin and death have no more claim over you, for I won back the keys 
of death and Hades through My own atoning death and resurrection.  Have
you not read in My word where I said, "There is therefore now no 
condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus"?  I am not a liar and I 
will not lead you astray.  I am not fickle and I do not change My mind.  
If I have redeemed you from condemnation, I will not speak words of 
condemnation over you.

The enemy is coming in like a flood to release a spirit of condemnation
against My people, that they would feel disqualified and taken out. He
is trying to put a fear into My people to keep them from approaching Me.  
He wants you to run away from Me instead of running to Me to receive My 
mercy and My forgiveness and My restoration.  

Know that the power of the cross and the power of the resurrection have 
not diminished over time.  I purchased your freedom from the yoke of the
oppressor at great personal cost.  I have made a way for your sins to be 
forgiven; that through Me you might enter into an intimate relationship
with your God. I have released a spirit of adoption over you and you are
a dear child and a member of the family of God.  

Do not misunderstand.  I do not condone sin and I will not tolerate it
in your life.  I command you to holiness -- I do indeed expect holiness 
from you.  But it is not a holiness arising from your own efforts and
strength.  Rather it is a holiness that arises from a transformation of
your inner man.  I change you from the inside out, not the other way 
around.  I do not come to condemn you, but to transform you.  My indwelling
Holy Spirit is actively at work in you.. renewing your mind, transforming
your thinking and your desires and causing you to be conformed to My

My plan for you is life -- abundant life. My plan for you is peace and
joy that passes the world's expectations because it is not tied to the
circumstances that surround you.  My plan for you is to release you from
the oppression of your enemy the devil and set you free indeed. My plan
for you is to restore your spiritual sight, to bind up your wounds and
bring the deep healing that comes from the forgiveness of sin.  My plan
for you is to draw you into deep intimacy and fellowship with Me, to 
speak to you and to lead you and guide you.  My plan for you is to set
you free from sin and condemnation -- for if the son of man set you free,
you will be free indeed.  My plan for you is to anoint you and fill you 
with My spirit and My power and to thrust you into My victory.  For I have 
called you to be an overcoming one, to have abundant life and that your 
joy might be full.  Do not listen to the words of condemnation that some 
are trying to speak over you.   Instead receive and believe My words of 
life.  For My words over you are words of life and words of hope.