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Date: Jan 27, 2004

This word is submitted by Larry Sloma (larrysloma1@msn.com)


              Seriousness of the Times

Josh 5:13-15
	Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man 
	standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua 
	went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?"
	"Neither," he replied, "but as commander of the army of the Lord 
	I have now come." Then Joshua fell face down to the ground in 
	reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for 
	his servant?" The commander of the Lord's army replied, "Take 
	off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." 
	And Joshua did so. 

My children, the battle rages on and the consequences of war increase. 
Notice that those around you that are afflicted are on the increase.  
The enemy pushes in where he is given the freedom.  I have sent My Son 
to redeem and bring to My children what was lost by the first Adam.  The 
second Adam came to restore all, and more of what was lost in the garden. 

There is more to what is not seen in the spirit.  If you wait until the 
manifestation of what you have been taught happens in the flesh, it will 
be too late.  The many camps of My people have been infiltrated by the 
enemy because he is not "seen."  

I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear.  Eyes and ears do not 
function when you are asleep.  Your adversary would cause you to believe 
that things are as they have always been.  But My Word is true in that 
evil is on the increase in these last days.  I say to My church "Awaken, 
Get Up, Run from the Slumber That is in Your Eyes."   

I am neither friend nor foe but the Commander of the Lord's army.  I 
have called you to My purposes and not that of the doctrine of men.  I 
have called you for a time such as this: to defeat the enemy and push 
him back and free My people from all that afflicts them.  Hear Me now, 
says the Lord.  Behold, today is the day of salvation.  Allow My Holy 
Spirit to lead you into all Truth.  Greater are the things you will do 
because of Me, says the Lord.  Go for I have sent you.