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Date: Jan 23, 2003

This word is submitted by Inez Brinkley (ibrinkley@jam.rr.com)


                       Before You Were Born

Come, My Bride, Come away with Me to a place I have prepared. Come and enter 
into My rest for haven't I spoken it to you? You are Mine, and the gates of 
hell will not prevail against you. I know the trials of life are hard, child 
of Mine, and the enemy continuously beats against the gate for a portal of 
entry. Just stand strong in Me and he will not be able to gain even a 
foothold. I said I have ordained and called you since before you were born. 
And My calling is sure. Only your disobedience can stop what I have set in 
motion. Seek Me, love Me, spend your waking moments with Me and you will 
take on My very nature, for your heart will beat as one with Mine.