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Date: Jan 19, 2007

This word is submitted by Paula Kay [peakent@voicenet.com]


                     Come Closer My Beloved

You can see, My beloved, because you are looking at Me. You are searching
Me with your whole heart. You know nothing is hidden from Me, yet I must
hide things from you. As your loving Father, My ultimate goal is to
protect and to provide. It is also to fill you with My passion and fill
you with the wisdom you can hold for any period of time.

I am taking you higher in Me, and I ask one thing of you: continue doing
what you are doing right now.  Keep seeking to draw nearer to Me, to know
My voice and My heart, to hear My instructions, to love Me.  Saturate
yourself in Me and desire more of Me.

I love you and I am laying before you a door that will open, and it will
always remain open, no man can shut it. That door is your ministry to Me,
for Me, from Me, to Me, in Me, with Me. It is our love melding, for we
are one. My Son said, "It is written, I am in My Father and He is in Me
and you are in Me." We are one, and you are the weaker one and I am the
Faithful One.

Ah beloved, draw nearer, for I love you. There is no lack in Me. Seek Me
wholly and I will fill you. You will overflow with Me. Even at this present
time, I am filling you to overflowing. Close your eyes and feel Me with
your heart's song, your desires for Me. My love, there is no lack, there
is nothing I will withhold from what is best for you.

I am in your midst and I will cause you to shed everything that is not Me
as you abide deeper in My presence.  I want to give you more; it is yours.
Come closer. We are going deeper still. This is a time for soaking, for
absorbing, for being saturated. Walk through the door, My beloved, for I
am with you always. Trust Me and come.

Yes come, My beloved, for I long to be with you.