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Date: Jan 18, 2008

This word is submitted by James Donovan [JDono78832@aol.com]


                     I Am A God Of Miracles
Yes this is a season of expectation, that I am alive today on planet 
earth. The same miracles that I did will be seen in your day, so walk 
by faith. I have spoken that as I go to the Father I will send the 
Holy Spirit and you shall do greater things. Yes you, I have endued 
you with power so arise and walk in your Destiny.
So as you walk by faith and be led by My Spirit, you shall see signs,  
wonders and miracles in this time. My wind is blowing and My oil is 
running from the head down. Yes My river of healing power is flowing 
in these days. I am  sending revival fire through out the land. I am 
raising up a people who will hear My voice and walk by faith, and be 
led of My Spirit!!
So grab hold of My truth and proclaim it, for this is a season of  
expectation and obeying My voice, for I am the God of miracles. As 
you expect and obey and be led by My spirit, you shall see multitudes 
touched by My power, through My servants who look to Me and follow Me. 
Expect the dead to arise, the deaf to hear, the blind to see and the  
lame to walk. I am moving through those who will walk by faith and 
step out, giving Me the glory and praise. The harvest fields are ripe 
and people are hungry to see My Miracles flowing and touching and 
changing lives. My Spirit is moving on those who will receive My touch 
and walk in My anointing and flow in My river--bringing life, healing 
and deliverance to the captives. So, step out, walk by faith, and expect 
the miracles to happen--for I am alive and moving through those called 
by My Name.