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Date: Jan 17, 2005

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                           No Compromise

Child of Mine, I do not mix Myself with the things of the devil.  I am
holy and set apart from all wickedness, and I require that My servants 
likewise be holy and set apart.  You cannot embrace Me and also embrace
the works of the devil, for you cannot serve two masters.  If you choose 
to serve and embrace the evil one, then I will not allow you to serve 
and represent Me.  You must not mix My light with darkness and you must 
not mix My anointing with the wiles of the devil.  You must not mix My 
truth with the deceit of the evil one.  You must be sanctified and set 
apart for My purposes.

Put aside from you any form of occult or witchcraft or manipulation or
deceit or control.  Do not embrace these things!  And do not trivialize 
them by saying things like, "It is just the horoscope," or "A Ouija board 
is merely a child's toy," or "Fortune telling is just for fun" -- for I 
say to you that any form of occult or witchcraft is sin and it is 
offensive to Me.  Even the seemingly attractive ones (such as fairies 
and nymphs and elves and leprechauns) are of the devil and are repulsive 
to Me.  Child there is no such thing as "white magic" or "good magic."  
All magic is merely satanic empowerment -- for there are only two sources 
of power in this universe -- Mine and the devil's.  You cannot serve 
both sources, so which one do you want to serve?  

Child, if you want to serve Me, then you must detest the things of the 
devil -- do not embrace them in any way.  There is no place for them in 
any of My servants.

Likewise, I do not mix Myself with the values of this world.  Those who 
serve Me cannot also serve the values and systems of this world, for they 
are heavily influenced by the prince of this world. My servants must not 
be influenced or formed by the standards of this present age.  Instead, 
My servants must be committed to walk in My ways and to hold to My 

Child, if you would like to be anointed for My purposes, then you must 
be holy before Me.  You must be sanctified and set apart for My purposes. 
Do not allow yourself to be formed or corrupted by the evil one or by the 
values of this world.  Keep yourself pure, even as I am pure.  Do not 
allow any form of compromise to rise up within you.  Cast aside all 
compromise with the ruler of this world -- for he is not a 
conquering king to be bargained with; he is merely a defeated foe.  Do not 
give him any undeserved power over you and do not embrace his ways.

Serve Me and walk in My ways, allow no compromise or mixture in your 
life.  Worship and obey Me in all things, and be set apart for My glory.  
Then I will cleanse and purify you and make you My representative.  I 
will draw you close and reveal Myself to you.  I will also fill you and 
anoint you and empower you and glorify My name through you.

Child of Mine, do not compromise with the evil one.  Be set apart for Me.