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Date: Jan 5, 2005

This word is submitted by Lanna Perry (chosenwarriorprincess@yahoo.com.au)


                     Listening to God 

My children, My love for you is steadfast. My love for you is great. 
My love for you is never ending and My love for you began before the 
beginning of the time and the creation of the world. I chose each of 
you to be My children before the creation of the world. I desire for 
all to be in My Kingdom, yet many do not hear. But you, My children, 
I have called to Myself and have great and wonderful things that I 
long to speak to you.

Many of you are nursing a broken heart, a disappointed spirit, damaged 
emotions, burdened hearts, and much emotional pain. My spirit is mending 
those broken hearts, My spirit is longing to touch those who are asking 
for My healing touch. Many are carrying wounds; some know and some do 
not know that they are even there, but I am waiting for the invitation 
to come and to mend those broken hearts.

My children, I am longing for you. For each of you. I long for you to 
come and sit at My feet and listen tenderly to what it is that I am 
wanting to speak. So many are trying to do My work, and do My will, and 
bring My kingdom to this earth. But how many are truly listening to Me? 
I am calling My people to Myself, to come, and stop, and be still, and 
listen; listen to what My Spirit is saying to them, and to the churches. 

Listen to what My Spirit is saying to the churches...

I am raising up a generation of radical people who are listening to Me, 
who are following after My heart. I am longing for My children to come 
deeper in friendship with Me than ever before. I have so much that I am 
longing to speak to My children about, and I am calling you all to My 
side. I have so many great things for each of you. I have so many 
wonderful blessings that I long to bestow upon you. I have so many 
things that I long to share with you. Many are puzzled at how they hear 
Me, some hear one way and some hear another. But know that I am speaking 
through many different channels, and always go back to My Word and you 
will hear Me speak. For when you knock, will I surely not answer? Of 
course, I will answer!!!!! I long to hear the knock from each of you 

The enemy is rampaging and seeking whom He can devour, so be on guard and 
listen to what it is that I want to speak to each of you individually and 
as a church. Spend time in My presence listening. Spend time in My presence, 
waiting on Me. In such a rushed generation, many do not wait on Me, many 
want a quick answer, and where I see fit, I will give a speedy answer, but 
how I delight in having My children wait on Me. How I delight in such 
beautiful, beautiful children who I died for, to come, and just to enjoy, 
delight in sitting in My presence.

I am bringing My Kingdom to this world. I am moving in this generation, 
I am reaching out to the lost, and to the brokenhearted. I am raising up 
My church, as I always have, to seek My face. But you My children, living 
in this generation today, I am calling you to be a generation known for 
radically seeking My face, radically knowing Me.

Some are trying to rush ahead into ministry, and doing things for My 
kingdom. And I see the desires of the hearts of these people, and I see 
their desire to minister for Me, and how greatly pleased I am with them. 
But you must wait. You must wait and be healed. You must stop and wait 
for My healing hand, My touch to come upon that place that I have 
highlighted, for I am not sending out an army of wounded healers, but an 
army of warriors, an army of people who radically seek My face and know 
Me, and listen to My Spirit. Listen to My heart.

As My children seek My face and spend time knowing Me, all else will flow 
out of this. There are many for which I am sharing things, but not 
releasing them to speak out or share at this time. I want you to know 
that at the appointed time you will speak, but for now, it is not time. 
Continue to hold to the revelations I have placed in your heart and at 
the time I speak to you to release, you will indeed see a great move of 
My Spirit.

Many are seeking strategies and structures as to how they will reach 
generations, communities and cities. Rest. I say rest in Me. Actively 
spend time seeking Me, praying and fasting. And as you do this, you 
will indeed see the way which My hand is moving, and the way which My 
Spirit is leading you. Many are seeking and not spending the time 
listening. Spend time at my feet, diligently. Get desperate for the 
answers that you seek and I will give them to you. I am faithful and I 
will speak to you. I will; this is My promise to you. You will hear My 
voice telling you which way to go, but do not rush. Do not rush. Rest 
at My feet, and surely am I not able to place the ideas and revelations 
within your heart as to what to do? Of course! So wait on Me!!!!!

My children, My church, My body -- I love you dearly. I have loved you 
with an everlasting love. Come, come and seek Me. Be ever so thirsty 
and hungry for Me. Be ever so desperate to hear My voice, and come into 
that secret place and listen to Me. For the mighty move of My Spirit 
that is coming, and the times ahead will require My children to be 
walking in unison with Me, listening to My Spirit and what it is saying.

Evaluate, reevaluate the time you are spending with Me. The time you are 
spending listening to Me. Reevaluate. For I am calling My church deeper, 
out of complacency and into radicalness for Me.

Out of complacency and into abundant life. The abundant life that is 
filled with the power of My Spirit; the abundant life is knowing Me 
deeply. My people ALIVE and ministering powerfully through the power of 
My Spirit because they are a people who are truly listening to My voice. 
This is My desire!!!!

Come, rest your head on My chest, listen to My heart beat for this world 
and the churches. Be set free from the bondages that have held you captive 
for so long, and the wounds that have crippled you. Come, listen, and 
know your Creator in a brand new fresh and living way!