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Date: Jan 1, 2003

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                   Give Yourself Time to Grow Up In Me

Know that when I work in your life, I usually choose to work through a 
process.  Early in the process, it may not seem to you like I am actively
at work on your behalf.

It is like when a farmer plants a seed.  At first the seed seems small
and lifeless.  In the beginning, you cannot observe the fruit of what 
has been planted.  The seed is buried under the ground, it is hidden.  
And when it first starts to grow, the roots sprout downwards, establishing 
a foundation from which the seed can draw nourishment and sustain itself.  
Again, that portion of the seed's growth process is hidden, you cannot
look at the spot where the seed is planted and observe this happening.  
The ground looks dormant.  Then, finally, the sprout begins to push up 
through the soil and you begin to see the first evidences of life spring 
forth.  The truth is that life was under way long before it was visible. 
But it was not observable until the later stage of growth when the sprout 
began to push through the soil.

So it is when I do a good work in you.  There is much that I do behind the 
scenes to establish your root structure in Me and to set in place what is 
needful for you to grow and blossom.  This is why there is so often a
delay from when I speak a promise into your life and when you see it
manifest.  That is why you do not see evidences of the ministry that I
have called you to when you are in the early stages of development.  My
promise to you is the seed that is being planted.  I water it with My love 
and with My Spirit, and I will cause you to take root in Me.  I will 
teach you to look to Me and to sustain yourself in Me.  You will have My 
promise long before you have the completion of it because I am actively 
at work, behind the scenes, in causing that promise to come to fruition 
in your life.  

I am developing you and grooming you and causing you to be firmly rooted 
in Me.  The evidence of My work may not be apparent to others.  They may 
not be able to see and observe what I put into you and cause to grow in 
your spirit.  Do not be dismayed and do not loose heart.  For I say to 
you that your validation and approval and sense of worth is in Me and not 
from man -- not even from godly and anointed and Spirit-led man.  Rather, 
I am to be the source of your validation and I am the one what will cause 
the fruit of what I have planted in you to spring forth.  Do not be dismayed 
if your friends and your family and your church do not yet recognize the 
calling and anointing that I am cultivating in you.  I will bring it to pass
in due time.  And when the harvest comes, then your fruit will be apparent 
to all.  And the giftings I have put in you will make a way for you, that 
I might glorify My name through you.  

Until that time, be patient and allow yourself to grow in Me.  For I am 
faithful and I will bring forth My good fruit in you.  Do not be like the 
seedling that looks to the mighty oak tree and says "I am not a tree 
because I do not look like that.."  Do not compare yourself to those who 
are further along My process, to those who are more mature in their gifting 
than you are.  Rather, be encouraged and know that I am at work in you.  
Rest assured that My Holy Spirit is at work in you, transforming your nature 
and conforming it to be more like My Son's nature.  Know that I am faithful.  
I have begun a good work in you and I will complete it.  Allow yourself time 
to grow up in Me.