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This word is submitted by Joanne Gavlick (joanne@keepersofhisgates.com)



For the past 40 days, many of My servants have been wandering the wilderness. But know that I have not forsaken you, for it has been a time of preparation for the great journey that lies ahead. Some of you have even said, "It is enough, LORD, take my life." But even then, I beheld you as sons and daughters and anointed your feet to keep walking. Even then, I strengthened you to follow Me for the appointed places and times I have reserved for you.

A war has raged against your souls to hinder My voice and thwart your vision, but this day I say:

This season is at a close, for you are about to be released with fresh fire and oil. Yes, My sons and daughters. What you thought was lost has been held in My Hands all along, for dross had to surface for the gold come forth. Hence, I am about to release My Light in greater measure for the appointed days ahead. I am about to thrust you into new appointments and new times to bring righteousness into family relationships, job-to-ministry appointments, and healing for minds, emotions and bodies. Yes, I am calling you out of the old and into the new. Out of the past and into the future. I am taking you out of your yesterdays and releasing your futures, for what I birth, I deliver, says the LORD OF HOSTS. And if I said it, will I not do it?

Though the vision tarries, wait for it, for it shall surely come.