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This word is submitted by Carylann Hartley (Chart4God@aol.com)
Time For The Suddenlies
There is a sound from heaven that is coming and it is very near. It is a soft sound that you can easily miss if you have not learned to hear Me in the still small voice. It will usher in the next wave of My Spirit. Listen closely and behold - a new day will soon be upon you!
Stand firm and do not waiver in what I have already told you to do. Have faith in Me and have faith that you do hear My voice. Listen and obey as I send a new anointing upon My faithful people throughout the earth. Be prepared and ready for it will come upon you suddenly! You will have no one to tell you what to do except Me. Do not lean on your own understanding or on that of other people. Only My voice will bring you into this next wave. It is going to be quite a ride so hold on tight and be ready!
The final preparations are being made ready. It will SUDDENLY be upon you.
Why do you fret? Why do you ask each other what is going to happen? I Am the only one that knows and you will know soon enough. If I were to tell you now you would try to rush my timetable and do it in your own strength. Have you not done this before? Have I not told you things and then you went ahead of Me? You wondered why it did not work but you never stopped long enough to ask when I wanted it done. It was not that you did wrong things but it was done in the wrong timing and the preparations had not been completed so that all I wanted to happen could be accomplished.
I know your heart and I know that you want to please Me. This time I will make it easy for you, for you will not be able to do it in your own timing. You must be ready though or again it will not work.
Stay close to Me. Let Me fill you and hold you close. Let My strength become your strength. Let My words fill your mouth and My love pour forth from you to those around you. Draw closer to Me than you have ever been and I will fulfill that which I want to accomplish. You will become a tool that I will use to bring in the next wave of My Glory! Draw Near! Listen and obey. Let Me show the way. For now is the beginning of the SUDDENLIES that I am going to do. Now is the time that you have been waiting for. Do not fear or hold back. I WILL do what I have said I would do!