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This word is submitted by Kristin Reeg (kristinreeg@strategicnetwork.org)
Arms Wide Open
Arms wide open
Exposing the heart
Here am I
I ask you to take a part
I've given you the script
It's up to you to play the part
I've given you the map
It's up to you to follow the way
I've given you the Truth
It's up to you to believe it
Step out in My faith, My child. Step out and believe that I can take your brokenness, that I can take your cracks and not only heal you, but use you in tremendous ways. I can't if you won't. I can't use you unless you choose to step out. I can't use you unless you're willing to fail. You can't succeed without the possibility of failure. You can't succeed unless you take a risk. Are you willing to take those risks? You know the call I have placed on your life how do you expect to obtain that call other than step by step. Follow Me - trust Me. I will talk through you. I will write through you - but you must choose to do something with the information, revelation, and insight I give to you. Freely, freely you have received. Freely, freely give. Go in My name and because you believe, others will know that I live.
If you truly want to bring others into a deeper relationship with Me - you have to live it and give it. Don't fear rejection. I go before you. I walk with you. My timing is perfect, but you must choose to walk with My spirit and in My timing. Go in My name and because you believe others will know that I live. Go in My name. Go. Write with Me. Walk with Me. Talk with Me. Listen with Me. And Go with Me.