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This word is submitted by Cynthia Mosley (mosleykinilee@netzero.net)


A Wakeup Call

My people are sleeping and they don't even know it. Arise my children and quit sleeping, stop slumbering, for I cannot use you when you slumber. You sleep with the enemy when you slumber. Wake Up! Now my children and rise to the occasion in my coming. Do you not know what you are called to do? Awake! Rise Up! So you are not numb to the things of my spirit.

You are not getting all I have for you because you choose to sleep. Wake! My children Wake! Stop walking in dullness for dullness will not help you fight against the enemy. Rise up! and let me heal you.

Give the things of this world up to me because I own everything anyway. Let Go! And let me work in your lives, in your hearts, in your minds. Stop Sleeping! Come to me now! Come to me now!

I know your hearts and I know where they've been and I know where they are going. Let my spirit fall upon you and fall upon you with the flame of my Holiness, my Righteousness. For I am a consuming fire that wants to engulf you with the Power of my Holy Spirit.

Let me come in and wake you completely so I can use you for my plans. Plans to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future. Awake! Awake! My children, do not sleep any longer. Come to me now! And let me set you free, Free in me............. Do not sleep! Do not sleep!