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This word is submitted by Greg Bachnik (TBachnik@aol.com)


Stand Up

"Stand up, arise to the full stature that I have intended. Arise to your rightful place of authority in the world. Arise, no longer shrink back, no longer sit, no longer shrink from confrontation. Arise and look the enemy, Satan, the deceiver, the liar, the enemy right in the eye. With bold confidence that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. See the enemy of your health, look him in the eye and command him to be gone, to flee. And see healing break forth in your land.

See the enemy of the church, the one who sews discord and strife, look him in the eye and see him run. And see harmony, love, grace and mercy flow. Look and see the enemy of your finances, the thief. Look him dead in the eye and command him to leave, that the curse has been broken and the windows of heaven have been opened and the treasury of the wicked has been stored up for the righteous. See it come, see that treasury it's coming into the body for the work of the Lord.

See the "beautiful one", the enemy of our purity and the corrupter of our body, see him the way our Savior sees him, ugly and horrible. Look him unflinchingly in the eye and rebuke him. You shall have no place in our midst and command him to be gone. And sexual perversion and promiscuity will be repugnant to the church. We will be dressed in white! Stand up, take your place of stature, purity, and authority.