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This word is submitted by Tammie Gelis (needgrace2@hotmail.com)


Rise Up

I would say to you my church today rise up, rise up. Listen no more to the lies of the enemy in your life. Listen no more to the despair and hopelessness. I have heard the cries of my people and say to you rise up. Rise Up above all the enemy is throwing at you. I have not left you powerless but have given you all power, strength and might.

It is time to rise up out of your beds and fight. It is time to take back all that the enemy has stolen from you. Accept defeat no longer. Lift up your eyes. Behold your King!

Behold me!! Is anything to difficult for me? Readjust your thoughts to be my thoughts. Cast your fears upon me. My love will conquer. My love will heal. Enter in! Enter in to my love, enter into my presence and let me raise you up once again. Let me make you strong. Let me put a smile on your face again. Rise up and live saith the Lord. Accept death and defeat no longer, but life abundantly in me! Rise up! Let your faith arise and experience life anew in me each day, each morning.

In Christ
Tammie Gelis