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This word is submitted by Jana Alcorn (JAlcorn@aol.com)


God's Mouthpiece

Leader, you are to be a Mouthpiece for God! Recently this became so clear in my spirit. I searched countless scriptures to gain a more thorough understanding. I prayed. I made new commitments to God.

I found, just as Aaron became a spokesman for Moses, we must speak as the oracles of God, and believe me, it isn't because our God is a stutterer. He speaks and entire nations must respond!


I know that you still stand in amazement that I would use you, yet I choose to empower you and to put My words in your mouth. You are being propelled by My prophetic Word into a quickening of the Spirit within. You have known that this would be and now I tell you again that I have prepared you and brought you to this place of advancement. You must follow My Spirit and be willing to abandon all for My sake.

This is a time of gathering in and a time of reaching out. Both will happen, says the Lord, for I am bringing together my forces from every tribe and tongue. I am calling and shortly you will see a coming together. My Voice will be carried across the waters and the sound shall go forth into every spirit that is ready to be penetrated with the next Word of My assignment. I shall loose things and people that have been bound, even new strategy shall flow, for this is the Moment of My purposes and nothing shall stop their fulfillment, says the Lord!