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This word is submitted by Fred Kelly (fredkelly@prodigy.net)


All Things Are Possible With God

For I come unto you this day, says the Lord, and I walk in your midst. And I reached over and I touch each one as I pass by. For have I not said in My word, that all things are possible with God? For I've declared this day that I shall use a people that have reached out unto Me. For as you reach unto Me, as I touch you, I transfer unto you the anointing that I have, says the Lord. I pour it down within you, for I use you to My glory says the Lord.

Those that will humble themselves before Me, and will offer themselves unto Me, to be used no matter what comes about. For as you humble yourselves and come before Me to be used of Me. As you give yourself unto Me, then I shall lift you up. You shall come unto My holy mountain and you shall be strong upon the mountain top. For there you shall see the glory of God's cover, and cover, and cover upon you. You shall see the presence of the Lord swell within your midst. And you shall see the river of God flow out to touch others throughout the earth.

For I have called a people that will issue themselves to stand strong in the things that I have called you to do says the Lord. And that calling is to reach unto others, to reach out unto them, and to touch them and to allow them to know the glory that I am pouring down within you. For this is not a glory that I give unto you, just so you can say, "oh I have received the glory of God," but it is a glory that I give unto you that you can say, "yes it is a glory that came from God, but I give it away, I give it to other that they may be sustained in the presence of the Lord." Then many shall be drawn into My kingdom, says the Lord.

Behold again I say unto you, nothing is impossible with God. And as you give, and give, and give unto Me, I will pour more, and more, and more back into you. Come My people, allow Me to touch you and bring you to the mountain top. For it is there you shall see My glory.