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This word is submitted by Sandra Moats (nox2422@blackfoot.net)


The Days of My Altars are Coming Back

The Days of sacrifice are again coming to Jerusalem. My people will again know Me in their hearts. They shall sacrifice and know the forgiveness of sins as times of old. Yeh, they shall know My sacrifice, My Chosen One in these times. They shall understand My Chosen Sacrifice, My Son. Wait! And see the salvation of the Lord comes!

In the west the altars will be filled as of old. My people will flow to the altars and lay their sins before Me, and I will ignite the fire of My Holy spirit within them. I will burn the dross from their hearts. The word of the Lord is spoken; it shall come to pass.

My people come to meet with Me. I draw them by My Holy Spirit. Into the Sanctuary they come, flowing in to meet with their God. All over the world I shall draw them that they might know Me. Wherever they meet is My Sanctuary. My Sanctuary is the place where My people meet with Me.

My altar is in their midst wherever My words are spoken from. My altar is at the feet of My Son Jesus. My altar is the place where My people place the people, and things they treasure in their hearts. It is the place where they bring their sins, then rise up, turn and walk away from them. My altars again shall be filled in these times. My people come!

I am drawing My people in carefully so as not to lose one. I saw a fishing line with many fish hooked on the same line, and I saw it being reeled in slowly.

Sandra Moats