Prayer-School Mini-Course Series


The Prayer-School Leadership Core


The Prayer-School Mini-Course Series is a series of short courses (teaching and discussion) on topics relevant to learning to pray and interceed effectively. These courses are offered by the Prayer-School Leadership core. The 8th course offered in this series is:

Prayer Resources

This course is taught by Alison Bowling, Lucy Deliganis, Paul Gaskin and Teresa Seputis. It beings Monday, June 26, 2000 and will last for 8 weeks. A new lesson will be released on Monday of each week.

This site may "appear" to be "under construction." This is because the material will NOT be released to the WWW site until it has been emailed to the prayer-school list. To subscribe to this list, send email to

Or you can subscribe to the list from a www page by clicking here.

Class Materials:

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Week 1 TeachingWhat We Are Doing and Why And How To Get The Most Out Of It
  3. Week 2 Teaching Prayer Resources On the Internet
  4. Week 3 Teaching Review of The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting, by Mahesh Chavda
  5. Week 4 Teaching review of Intercessory Prayer, by Dutch Sheets
  6. Week 5 Teaching revciew of The Prayer Warrior Series, by C. Peter Wagner
  7. Week 6 Teaching review of The Lost Art of Intercession: Restoring the Power and Passion of the Watch of the Lord by Jim Goll
  8. Week 7 Teaching review of Possessing the Gates of the Enemy by Cindy Jacobs
  9. Week 8 Teaching review of Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grubb
  10. Week 9 Teaching review of Watch of The Lord by Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda
  11. Week 10 Teaching review of Authority To Heal by Ken Blue **New (Aug 28, 2000)**

[A new lesson will be released on Monday of each week, beginning June 26, 2000 and lasting until the series is completed.]

We hope you will be blessed and stretched by this series of mini-courses. You can send us email at <>

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