Teresa's Testimonies: Prophetic Testimony

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-- © GodSpeak International 2006 --
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Prophetic Testimony

(March 13, 2006)

The Lord did a neat thing with me using prophecy, and I wanted to share it with you. You have probably heard me say that I am "prophetically invisible." That means that when prophets are calling people out to give words to them, I am almost never chosen. I am used to that and I tell myself that it is OK since I can hear directly for myself anyhow. But there are times when I really wish I could get a word from an established and credible prophet.

One of those times was on March 5 when Stacy Campbell was a guest speaker at our church. I had seen in minister in Toronto long before I moved in the prophetic. I respected her as a prophet and I really hoped she would have a word for me. I figured that I could really use some encouragement so maybe if I asked God nicely, He would do that for me. However, it did not work out the way I asked. Stacy had words for several people in our congregation and they were excellent and powerful words, but I was not one of the people who she prophesied to.

I was mildly disappointed, but I was used to not getting words when I wanted one, so I sort of shrugged it off and went on with my business. My project for the following week was to prepare the next batch of words for the prophetic-word list. I spent most of the week prayerfully reading and selecting words for this next batch, as well as doing some formatting and minor editing (grammar, punctuation, spelling) on them. After selecting the words to use, I needed to sit down and write a several corporate words to distribute along with the ones I had selected.

On Monday March 13, I sat down intending to write at least three or four of those words. I began to seek God for what He wanted to say. He began to speak to me, but it wasn't the way I expected it to be. Instead of giving me corporate words for the body of Christ, He spoke to me personally. He started with "My darling daughter, I want to talk to you--just to you-- before you begin to write words for your next prophetic word batch."

I could feel the same strong anointing on me that I felt when I wrote corporate words, and I could feel God's presence and warmth surrounding me. It felt like the Lord's leading that I was so used to, except for one minor detail: He was addressing the word to me personally instead of to the body of Christ.

The word that He gave me as I wrote was incredibly well suited for me. It addressed some concerns and unspoken questions I had. Then He began to address my destiny, including promising me some of the greatest desires of my heart. He went from there to a call for increased holiness and dedication in my life, and then proceeded to instruct me in a few areas that I had been praying about, promising to help me learn to better walk in His ways. He talked about humility and about His faithfulness, then talked about how He was going to accomplish His kingdom purposes through me. He made it very clear that the impetus on this was on His end and the He is to get the glory for all that He does. After that, He spoke to me about increased intimacy and also increased supernatural experiences. Finally, God closed with a promise of financial blessings as I obeyed Him and pursued His will.

The word said all the sorts of things I'd been longing to receive in a prophecy. I was hearing what I most desired to hear. The only problem with the word was the source. Since I was the person who had written the word, how could I be sure it was really God and not just my own heart telling me what I wanted to hear?

So I did what I usually do--I went back to God and talked to Him about it. I told Him that I wasn't sure if this was really from Him of if I had simply written out the desires of My own heart. I asked Him to confirm it to me if it was really from Him. I try not to fleece the Lord with any specific confirmation, I just ask Him to show me in a way that I know for sure it is Him.

I spent some time praying about it and pondering it but I did not have as much time to spend on it as I would have liked because I had a commitment that evening. There was a team meeting that night for all of the members of My church's prophetic team. Since I was leading that meeting, I had to be on time and I had to have an agenda for the meeting. So I set aside my prayerful review of the word and I began to seek God for direction for the meeting.

God actually gave me something sort of neat to teach on and we did some routine team business. I had intended to end with some activations, but I sensed the Lord wanted us to minister to a few time members instead. First we ministered to a man who was getting ready to leave on a missions trip to the Philippines. We had time to minister to a second person, and I was trying to decide who to minister to next.

"Teresa," the Lord said, "have the team minister to you."

I was concerned that they would think I was selfish if I asked them to minister to me. But on the other hand, I have been leading the team for over five years now and I had never once received ministry from them. So I threw it out as a possibility and they all thought that would be a great idea.

Have you guessed it yet? Yep, the things they prophesied to me were thought per thought what I had written earlier than day when the Lord spoke to me. Parts of it were even word for word the same! Talk about a neat confirmation! I think I was more blessed by the way God did it than I would have been if I had received that same word from Stacy Campbell!

-- © GodSpeak International 2006 --
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