Teresa's Testimonies: Prophecy Stories

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-- © GodSpeak International 2006 --
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Prophecy Stories

(Aug 24, 2006)

After years and years of being "prophetically invisible," the Lord has started really blessing me through unsolicited prophetic words.

As a tad of background, I seem to be one of those people who never gets a word. I can be in a small group where a guest prophet is supposed to minister to everyone in the room, and I somehow get skipped. I think I have attended maybe 500 meetings where they are doing callout prophesy, and all that time, I have only ever been called out once--and that was by mistake. The prophet was pointing to the person next to me but I thought it was me and I went up. He gave me a three sentence word out of courtesy, then proceeded to give the person he really meant to call out a five or six-minute word.

All my friends had shoe-boxes loaded full of prophesy tapes, and I only had five of them. I have attended a few prophetic presbyteries where they spoke specifically over me by pre-appointment, so I have had some words. But they were far and few in-between compared to everyone else I know.

I used to get so frustrated by that (hardly ever getting prophecies) and I wondered why God almost never had any words for me. I finally came to the conclusion that maybe the reason He hardly ever prophesied to me was because I could hear His voice clearly on my own and therefore God did not to use the prophetic to speak to me.

That has all changed in the past month. I think I have gotten more words in the last four weeks than I had in my entire life before then. Some of them were simple 'big stuff' and others were simple encouragements. I wanted to share a couple of neat things the Lord has done recently with me in terms of prophetic words.


Our church had a guest speaker on July 30 who spoke on prophetic evangelism. He told several stories about willing New Age people to the Lord through the prophetic. As an aside, he mentioned that New Age people are very interested in angels. That sent me off on a mental tangent for a few minutes. I had thought about writing a book about my encounters with angels several times over the past two years. I began to think about that again, but this time in the context of an evangelism tool to reach New Age people. I visualized myself writing a smaller book, maybe 60 or 70 pages, filled with testimonies of angel encounters that I suspected would appeal to the New Age. I imagined a closing chapter about how angels are dedicated to serve Jesus and throwing in the gospel.

I thought about that for maybe five minutes, then I started to pay attention to the sermon again. The speaker shared the story of how he'd shut down his own ministry to go be on staff of a much "bigger name" minister, and of the many doors that God has opened to him through that. I began to think about maybe doing the same thing myself. GodSpeak is (admittedly) a relatively small ministry. Perhaps I would be able to do more for His kingdom on staff of a bigger ministry than as such a small ministry of my own? I was not seriously or prayerfully considering it, I was just pondering the idea.

After service, I had church-related commitments all day and into the night, so I did not log on to the internet. The next morning I sat down at my computer. Someone contacted me in private chat. The Lord had given them a word for me yesterday afternoon (Sunday) about the time my church's service ended. She looked for me online so she could share it with me, but I wasn't available. She wondered if they could give me the word now. I said sure. (Remember, she had no idea of what I had been pondering on Sunday). This is the word she gave me:

I saw a book in vision for you, and I heard the words "another Book."

I hear the Lord say He is doing much for you. Go with the flow He has given you and Yes He is indeed with you in this.

I was surprised at how God used the prophetic to respond to my ponderings, and to confirm what He had been leading the intercessor to pray. He addressed both of the things I'd been thinking about Sunday and in order: 1) write the book (on angels), 2) Don't give up GodSpeak to join someone else's ministry, but go with the flow (ministry) He has already given me.

I felt really blessed. It was almost like God was using the prophetic to chat with me...not earth-shattering things, but just talking with me about what was on my mind.


Since that day, I have been getting prophecies right and left. I visited a home group at a friend's house, and the group decided to prophesy to me. (Usually it is the other way...when I visit a group, they usually ask me to prophesy to them.) It was very encouraging and they even gave me a tape.

The next day, a friend invited me to go to a group I'd never heard of before. The lady speaking there was a prophet. I was one of first people she called out. I was really surprised, because I never get called out. (Like I said earlier, if they prophesy to everyone in the room except for one person, I would be the one who is skipped). Now I was being called out. What a nice change. The word was mostly confirmation stuff about my ministry and calling and the direction I am moving. It was a message of how pleased God was with me. It was not earth shattering, but it was such a blessing.

The past month, I have received about one unsolicited prophetic words a day. Some of them are simple encouragements and others are more strategic. The one I got last night just about knocked me off my chair. It was both amazing and funny all at once. I'd like to share that story with you.

I need to give you a little background. Life has been insane for me lately in terms of computer related ministry work. There had been this massive technical problem. I had to drop everything and spend many hours a day for weeks trying to resolve it. I still haven't fixed all the issues, but the crisis is now past.

I spent a month working on the crisis and that did not leave me time to do my regular work (writing teachings and prophetic words, answering emails, etc). I was way behind and facing a firm deadline. I leave very soon for a ministry trip to Asia, and I need to have five weeks of teachings and prophetic words in place before I leave. It normally takes me about a month to do that much work, and I only had a week and a half. As you can imagine, I have been working at my computer 16+ hours per day, trying to get caught up. (This is in addition to other non-computer ministry obligations that I have.)

Yesterday I worked on my computer from 8:00 AM until 2:00 AM (14 hours), taking only a total of 1.5 hours of breaks (lunch/dinner) during that time. That is pretty much what my schedule has been like for about the last six weeks. I want to rest, but there is too much to do to get ready for my trip. I was starting to feel burned out, and a tad grouchy about all this hard work. It was already 10:00 at night, and I'd been working for hours on writing some prophetic words and doing other work related to getting a batch of words ready to mail out and formatted as web pages. I said something to God that I probably should not have said:

"Lord, do you have any idea how hard I am working for You? I hope You appreciate all this hard work I am doing for You!"

I realized that I should not have said that even as the words were coming out of my mouth, so I immediately apologized to God. (I have this agreement with God--He is the boss and I am His servant. He can ask me to do whatever He wants, and I am committed to obey Him--even when it is a lot of work for me.)

Like I said, I'd been working on prophetic words for hours-- formatting and spellchecking other people's words, writing some of my own, html formatting the words, creating links for web pages, etc. The first word I'd written was about being accepted in the beloved, about how much God loves and how the blood of Jesus covers our faults. The last word that I wrote was about entering into deeper intimacy with Go.

I finished working on the words about 11:00 PM. I decided to take a quick glace at the #prophetic-school chatroom just to make sure there were not any problems in there. Someone sent me a private that they had a word for me:

The Lord showed me a precious picture of Him standing by your shoulder while you were at the keyboard.

I started to laugh as I read that. Merely an hour before, I had asked God if He was aware of all the hard work I'd been doing for Him on the computer. He was addressing my question through a prophecy. The word continued:

And He wanted me to tell you this:

"My precious daughter...Oh how I love you with an inexhaustible love. I rejoice over you with great singing. You are My beloved daughter...a jewel in My kingdom. You, My daughter, are fully pleasing to Me and totally forgiven. You are totally accepted by Me and absolutely complete in Me."

It sounded like God was prophesying the first word I'd written that day. That really got my attention, but there was even more.

"I want you to know that I desire more of you. Draw closer and I will draw closer. There is nothing on this earth that will ever separate My love for you."

Now God was prophesying the last word I'd written that day (about intimacy) back to me.

What a sense of humor God has! I was tired and weary, working away hard for Him on my computer, writing three prophetic words. In the midst of doing that, I asked God if He knew/cared how hard I am working for Him. As soon as I completed from my task, God responded with a prophetic word responding to my very question, and prophesying back to me the words He'd ask me to write for Him. The word basically prophesied back to me all that I'd been working on when I asked Him if He knew how hard I was working for Him.

I guess we always know that God watches over us and knows everything we do, but it was still really neat to have Him interact back to me through a prophecy just minutes after I finished the task!

That was a neat 3experience for me. I am starting to see prophecy in a light that I've never seen it before. It's not just for the "big stuff," it is for the little stuff as well.

-- © GodSpeak International 2006 --
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