-- © GodSpeak International 1998 --
-- Do not republish without written permission from <ts@godspeak.org> --
Contributing Resources: GodSpeak International http://www.godspeak.org
Christian International Network of Prophetic Ministries http://www.cimn.net
Contributing Authors: Donna Cox, Gary Cox, Jane Fitz-Gibbon, Sally Miller, Ira Milligan, Chris Poole, Teresa Seputis, David White, Jim Wies
Editor: Al Vesper

Prophetic-School Training 101

Week 9 Activation Exercise

Discerning how God communicates -

"see, hear, feel"

This activation will again stretch us to receive a thought from the throne for a fellow saint. The various groups will either pair off or structure the group is such a way that each one has someone to minister to.


The primary purpose of this exercise is to allow us the opportunity to learn how and in what mode God communicates to each of us. We will be particularly trying to either "hear" God's voice, "see" what He wants to show us, or "feel" what he wants us to know concerning a matter. At the end of the exercise we will then evaluate which is the most common mode we usually experience.

We see God training the neophyte Jeremiah through a similar "see" and "hear" exercise is the first chapter of his book:

"Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" And I said, "I see a branch of an almond tree." Then the LORD said to me, "You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word." And the word of the LORD came to me the second time, saying, "What do you see?" And I said, "I see a boiling pot, and it is facing away from the north." Then the LORD said to me: "Out of the north calamity shall break forth on all the inhabitants of the land." Jer 1:11-14

As we gain confidence through use, this will in turn help us in the future to "dial in" to that "frequency" as we seek God to receive from the Holy Spirit.

This week's activation will help you determine how God speaks to you when He uses you to minister prophetically to another. It will help you determine if you are a "seer," a "hearer," a "feeler" or a "knower"...


  1. Understand That We Will Share From The Gift of Christ Within Us

    Since we are all saved, we have Christ living within us. Let's allow Him to minister to us, through us, and to and through our brother or sister in Christ. 1 Peter 4:10 says "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." We want to be good stewards of God's grace so let's be willing to share Christ within us with our brother or sister.

  2. Stir Yourself Up Spiritually

    How do we stir ourselves up?

    • First, be convinced that it is the Lord's will for every believer to move in the Gifts of the Spirit. If you are born of the Spirit you have the Holy Spirit. He brings His gifts with Him and they are available for your use. "There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all." 1 Cor 12:4-7.

    • Realize that no believer is perfect and it is OK to make a mistake. This is a training environment and we love one another.. (right?)

    • Just know that we all learn by doing.

    • Praying in the Spirit can also help build up your faith and act as a catalyst for the flow of the river of the Spirit out of your "inner most being" (John 7:28,29) and prepare you to receive the mind of Christ so that your human spirit can receive thoughts, impressions, pictures, etc. from the Holy Spirit.

    • We activate the gifts by faith and grace, therefore we can take initiative in cooperation with the Holy Spirit and in accordance with the Father's will.

  3. Sanctification - Activation Prayer

    Pray this prayer with your group as you begin:

    Dear Lord, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, I come before your throne. I believe that Christ lives within me, and that I am washed by the blood. Not in part, but in my whole being. I now bring every thought of my mind and soul into captivity to the mind of Christ within. I will be open to be led by the Holy Spirit to receive a prophetic word from You for my partner. I will gladly share just what you show me, without adding my own interpretation to it. I will not doubt it nor question it, I'll just be willing to give it. I am a believer, and I expect to receive. I thank You for giving me a thought from the throne. Amen.

    (This prayer releases people from any guilt, fear, condemnation and sense of unworthiness. Since fear and feeling unworthy are the two most hindering factors to people moving in the mind of Christ, this brings a release.)

  4. Leaders Pray A Prayer Of Covering/Protection (if in a group setting)

    The purpose of this short and specific prayer is to bind any hindering or religious spirits, and to release faith and anointing. Use whatever words you desire, but it does not have to be long and involved.

  5. Now, Be Silent And Listen, Look And Feel

    Now relax because this is going to be fun and it will continue to help you "tune in" to the Holy Spirit. Once you go silent, give yourself about 45 - 60 seconds and during this time, look and see what pictures form in your minds eye (the eyes of your heart), listen to what you may "hear" in your Spirit and pay attention to what sense you may have in your "knower."

    Again, here is an explanation of these different modes.

    • If you are a "seer," you will see pictures in your mind readily. These pictures may require interpretation. When you give a prophetic word, you allow these pictures to guide you along a theme and speak to what you see in the order you see it. In this manner, the Holy Spirit can give you a "flow" by a series of pictures. Interpretation can and does play a role in accurately speaking to the series of pictures.

    • If you are a "hearer," you will "hear" what the Spirit says. This will not usually be an audible voice but for some of you it could be - on rare occasion. Normally, you just feel like you are hearing something. In actuality, you are not hearing anything audible but you still feel as if you are hearing what you receive. Once you "hear," you simply share what you hear the Spirit saying to you for an individual.

    • If you are a "knower / feeler," you just seem to know something and it feels right but you could not explain to anyone how you know.. you just know! It is like a built in sense of "what is." If you are a knower, you will recognize this pattern. If you are a feeler, you may actually feel something. For instance, God may give you a word of knowledge of a physical healing He wants to do by allowing you to briefly feel in your own body the condition that God desires to heal in another. This is called a "physical word of knowledge." Or you might feel an emotion that God feels concerning a situation.

  6. Note the way God communicated with you

    Once you've received your communication from God, note (identify) how you received it. Did you "see," hear" or "feel" or "just know"? Pay close attention to HOW you received this word. Remember that the purpose of this exercise is not to give a word so much as to identify how God communicates to you. Understanding this could be useful for receiving future words.

  7. Now, Give Your Word According To The Spirit's Leading

    Dare to share.

    Describe what you see; tell what you hear, or share what you feel; being cautious to share only what you receive from God.

    Do not worry that it may seem simple or maybe even not make sense to you. Remember it will make good sense to the person for whom God gave it to you. For this exercise we will begin our sharing with either:

    • I saw..
    • I heard..
    • I sensed..
    • or I felt..

    We also want to re-state our caution from before:

    "God does not usually give us judgmental, negative, harsh, corrective, or directive words when we are just learning to move in the prophetic. For the scope of these exercises, these types of words will be STRICTLY OFF LIMITS. If you believe you receive one of these types of words during the activation exercise, assume you have heard wrong and go back to the Lord and ask Him for a different word.

  8. Feedback

    The recipient(s) of the word should now give feedback as to the accuracy and significance of what was shared.

  9. Repetition

    Repeat steps 5 - 8 with another partner. You may repeat with several different partners, depending on your time constraints. Note whether God uses the same mechanism to communicate (seeing, hearing, feeling or knowing) each time.

  10. Survey

    Take a survey to assess the following:

    • How many received it as a mental picture?
    • How many received it as a mental thought or impression?
    • How many received it as a feeling or physical sensation?

    End of Week 9

    -- © GodSpeak International 1998 --
    -- Do not republish without written permission from <ts@godspeak.org> --